The Explorer's Passport

The Explorer's Passport...

…is a magical booklet designed and illustrated by Josie da Bank, packed with beautiful illustrations, maps, and information, with lots of space for kids to add their memories, stamps, and stickers as they explore Camp Bestival.

Our new team of Navigators will present your children with their passports when you arrive and will inspire them to explore activities, shows, talks, and workshops throughout the weekend, so that every child makes the most of their time at Camp Bestival.

Camp Bestival’s Navigators...

…draw on a rich history of intrepid explorers from across the sciences and humanities, shining a light on the many women that history has forgotten. The Navigators are the key to exploring the festival, performing feats of circus magic, exchanging special skills, encouraging discovery, and helping your kids to gain their all-important passport stamps that unlock hidden treasures and activities.

Navigation Town

As well as wandering throughout the festival, you will find our Navigators based at the Navigation Station in the heart of an inspiring new area of curiosity and exploration called Navigation Town. Shaped by Caravanserai creator, Monsieur Bateman, Navigation Town is a place for creating, making, observing, and playing, with a host of exciting opportunities to gain extra stamps and stickers.

A veritable dream ticket, be sure that your kids claim their Explorer’s Passport when you join us at Camp Bestival.